10 thoughts

  1. good. we are tired of almost getting side swiped by people talking on mobile fones. yes lady in the red bmw we are talking about you.

  2. As an ambidextrous woman who can drive a truck with my knees while talking on the cell phone and applying makeup I take issue WST with your mean spirited posting.
    Just kidding…life would be forever more peaceful without the terrible ring of those dastardly devices they call cell phones!

  3. awww thanks lady, we’re over it now. we hope that you keep your liability insurance paid up though cos we can envision ed kaplan and an process server in your future.

  4. A follow-up: the outage was experienced mainly by Cingular subscribers from 10:45- 12:45 PM. I’m not sure what caused it.

  5. At least Michelle can “chew gum and walk at the same time”. Sorry, I just couldn’t resist! 🙂

  6. I’m surprised that Michelle can walk at all considering that John Tudor has a wanker that looks like a baby arm holding an apple……

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